Information obligation according to §5 E-Commerce Law, §14 Corporate Code, and disclosure obligation according to §25 Media Act

Handelskai 92, Gate 1, 1.OG
1200 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 1 307 5622

Commercial register number: FN 440762f
Austrian VAT number: ATU69942315
German VAT number: DE344673070
Commercial court: Vienna, Austria
DVR: 4017740

Executive Board: Dominik Wegmayer, Wolfgang Wegmayer


The contents of are published for online access. The copyright and the rights of use for texts, graphics, design and source code are held by PAYUCA GmbH, as is the right of use for the images. The creation, use and non-commercial distribution of copies in electronic or printed form are permitted if the content remains unchanged and the source is indicated.


All texts on the PAYUCA website have been carefully checked. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information. Any liability of PAYUCA is therefore excluded. PAYUCA accepts no responsibility for the content of other websites to which links are provided.

Information on online dispute resolution: Consumers have the opportunity to submit complaints to the EU's online dispute resolution platform: , or you can also address any complaints to the above e-mail address.

As of 15.05.2023